Thursday, September 10, 2020

Two Clowns, Same Circus, Time for A Paradigm Shift

Everybody is talking about this coming election and how "change" will come once Donald Trump is out of office. But what are the changes Joe Biden is offering to the American people? Ask yourself that question before going to the voting booth. 

All I see is business as usual in this facade and anemic democracy we have left in this nation. I see the continuation of the status quo where the rich continue to make obscene profits while the working class is practically being destroyed. I see It’s business as usual for these greedy oligarchs that continues the warmongering policies against other sovereign nations. For what? Oh yes, their natural resources! I see the constant voting shaming on the American people because many are talking about voting for a third party or simply just sitting this one out. 

The United Failed States of Amerikka is now implementing draconian laws to suppress and oppress those who defy the Wrath of the Imperial Tentacles of the US. From the killing of Black African Americans by Murderous Cops to the definite detention of undocumented immigrants under ICE custody and the mindless endless systemic racism mechanism in place, Biden and his VP candidate Kamala Harris will not change anything. Let us not forget that presidential candidate Joe Biden will not provide medicare for all to US Citizens even during a Global Pandemic. Biden is not the solution but part of the problem of why we can not move forward. 

Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin was correct when he noted that Imperialism is the Highest Stage of Capitalism. And like all previous empires that have fallen, the US Empire is slowly decaying, going to a death spiral, and will most likely fall as well.

We need to understand that the two political parties in our government WILL NOT SAVE US! Again I’m going to repeat this, THE TWO CURRENT POLITICAL PARTIES WILL NOT SAVE US from the disaster we are all experiencing. It’s time to say that the economic and political system we have now needs to go! We also have to recognize that financial institutions like the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and The World Bank need to go as well. I strongly believe that these current financial institutions that continue to corrupt the political parties are the problems.

Natural Disasters are happening under the current system. 

The current paradigm we are all living today is a monetary system that oppresses the mass majority of people financially and is destroying the planet because of the need of maximizing profits. By doing so, we are destroying the natural habitats of every wildlife known to man which is why we see a huge influx of animals migrating to other states or countries to survive. For example, DuPoint Industries has been using a Teflon like substance on pots and pans that are actually poisoning people which is giving them cancer. These toxic, cancerous chemicals within the manufacturing process of these products are contaminating the rivers and every water supply resource in the state of Virginia and other states nationwide. Cows, deers, squirrels, and many other wildlife creatures are dying because of the illegal dumping of these toxic waste products in our environment. All this, FOR WHAT? JUST TO MAKE A PROFIT. In the eyes of DuPont, profits, and productivity for people's consumption of their products is what matters the most. When independent scientists (not pseudo-scientists) has concluded that human activity is what is causing the destabilization of our planet.

In my honest opinion, we need a Paradigm shift if we are going to save the planet, the animals, and ourselves. We need to urgently change our way of thinking and how we see money and focus on how we see ourselves as part of a living organism on a finite planet. Yes, It Is Time for A Paradigm Shift Indeed!

Cesar Omar Sanchez
by César Omar Sánchez. Community organizer, New York/New Jersey Cuba Si Coalition, Advisory Board Member of ProLibertad: Free All Political Prisoners Campaign.

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