Monday, October 8, 2018

Nation at Risk


A Nation at Risk? Perhaps now we are heading towards that direction, but during the Reagan administration, this propaganda was used for pushing a political agenda. My assumption was the report presented to Ronald Reagan at the time was just a pretext to advocate for a free market business model within the education system. In a time when competition in the marketplace was at its peak, politicians felt the education system needed more improvement. That will be my assumption on why Reagan started to cut funding from other school programs like music and art and push more of a free market education ideology to students.
    My argument for pushing a for-profit Free Market ideology within the school system has proven time and time again to be a huge failure. The notion that making schools compete for the global competitions is just absurd. This was the beginning of Charter schools that supposedly was going to be the end of Public Schools overall nationwide. The for-profit organization like Education Alternative Inc’s belief that bringing Charter schools in the mix was going to make public education better; by competing for one another. Think about that for a few seconds and let it sink in your thoughts. Public Schools are being run like a business type model and the ones that do poorly does not get reformed, by the entire school gets shut down. This is not hyperbole, but facts when you see the numbers of public schools being replaced with for-profit Charter schools throughout this country.
    I totally do not agree that Hedge fund managers, For-Profit organizations and Religious groups use public school funds to maintain Charter schools. Even though some Charter Schools says they are private it is still being funded by the state with our tax money. For example, let's look at the vouchers which allow students to use public school funds to pay for private schools. These same vouchers were used to push for more religious (Christians) schools. Here is my second argument and that is we cannot conflate church and state within the education system.  I strongly believe by pushing for private religious schools it will create more divisions within the community for those who do not practice Christianity and other religious beliefs. 
    Currently, we are seeing public schools nationwide being shut down and teachers going on strike for better wages, but mostly teachers fighting for public funds for school materials. Imagine, teachers within the public sectors must reach in their pockets to buy books, pencils, papers… etc. "Free Market" as Milton Friedman says "brings freedom in the United States and it is the essence of who we are as Americans." Really? If we look around now, the so-called economic model being imposed on the school system is destroying our future and the next generation that is coming behind us. Unfettered Capitalism that has no regulations will in doubt bring instability and the cost of receiving a proper education will be disastrous. I strongly agree we need to radically revolutionize our education system and implement new ways of administrating our schools.

1 comment:

Silvia S. said...

Hi Cesar, great points! I agree that making schools for profit and creating competition among schools does not create a better education system. Rather, it creates an immense disparity among schools. Plus, for profit schools, do not care about the students/children, instead they put money first. This is apparent when the text stated that the Education Alternative Inc’ used interns instead of unionized special education aids.

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